
Rendering of Proposed Renovation of Granary Site

Historic Jeffersonville Granary, pre-renovation (2022)
Slated for May 2024, Lamoille Build LLC, a development company of Waterman Orchards, will open the reconstructed “Jeffersonville Granary,” and is currently negotiating leases with area businesses seeking to move into the space.
This is a customized, build-to-suit opportunity.
Businesses operating under the themes of “food”, “recreation” and “fun” are favored in the redevelopment plan; however, any business with a proven retail background or strong ties to the local community will be seriously considered.
Contact Ben Waterman at: [email protected] or (802) 752-6955 to arrange a site visit.
What is the Jeffersonville Granary?
A combination of buildings and infrastructure built by the McGovern family. Starting in the 1920s, the site was first a livestock feed store, and the iconic grain tower and mill were added in the 1950s. The McGoverns transitioned to plumbing and dairy equipment repair in the 1970s and 80s. Since then, the property has sat idle, aside from auxiliary uses. For the past 15 years the exterior has become best known as the home of the popular food truck, the Burger Barn. The property has a rich history supporting food and farming, legacies to be revitalized through the current redevelopment.
What is the timeline for redevelopment?
September 2023: Lamoille Build, LLC will complete a VT Agency of Natural Resources-mandated Brownfields cleanup process. The construction team will finalize plans for buildout of the retail spaces.
March 1, 2023: Target date for final tenant selection
October – April 2023: Construction permitting and full buildout of tenant spaces
May 1, 2024: Target date for first tenant occupancies.
What will be the lease terms?
Businesses with the capacity to sign a 5-year lease will be favored.
Lease rates will be determined based on a base rate and factoring in specialty needs of the tenant.
Leases will likely be a “single net” lease with tenant’s responsibility to cover Common Area Maintenance on top of base rent. Landlord will assume costs of property taxes and insurance.
Flexible or negotiable provisions will include a timeline to start occupancy, custom design options for the unit, and signage options among other terms.
What are some benefits and amenities of operating at the Granary?
- Excellent customer access, visibility, and exposure along Route 15. Space will be modernized according to all applicable Vermont codes. Energy efficient construction exceeding Vermont’s Commercial Building Energy Standards.
- Access to three-phase power if needed.
- Highest-speed fiber internet access.
- Leveraging overall high business retail traffic on site to lure customers to your own.
What are some next steps?
Contact Ben Waterman (contact info listed above) with any questions and/or to schedule a site visit or to request the following supplementary information:
1) Site plan depicting expanded parking for the site, Route 15 access, outdoor common areas and pedestrian and bicycle access from the rear, connecting the Village of Jeffersonville: C-1 Site Plan (vt.gov)
2) The Lamoille County Planning Commission’s redevelopment vision for the Granary, connecting it to the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail and other local recreational projects: PowerPoint Presentation (vt.gov)
3) Tentative floor plan showing unit layout, main customer accessways, common areas and other basic architectural features:

Proposed Floor Plan