Berry Important Picker (B.I.P.) Passes
What’s a B.I.P Pass?
Exclusive access to the best pickin’ around.
How does it work?
Pre-pay for $100 worth of product, anything we sell, e.g. u-pick berries, ice cream, syrup, seltzer, etc.
Get a $5 credit to spend on top of your $100.
Spend down your credit at any time at your leisure. Just notify us each time you spend it down so we can help keep track.
What are the B.I.P. benefits?
— Exclusive access during the season’s peak to our wholesale field when the blueberry picking is amazing. Since it is not visited by the public, it is almost never picked out during the peak (typically starting Aug 1st), and you should be able to pick bountiful, beautiful berries in little time.
— Visit our main u-pick field at any time, even outside of normal open hours.
— Optional email updates on picking conditions or other information for improving your experience.
What if conditions aren’t as expected?
We offer a full, guaranteed refund of your remaining credit balance at any time of the season if for any reason you are not satisfied with the picking conditions or anything else.
Questions or want to buy a pass?
Contact us at [email protected] or call or text Ben at (802) 752-6955 for more info.